Corporate and Individual Social Responsibility

The last decade or so has witnessed significant increase in Social activities being undertaken in India. Also, one of the major emerging sectors is Social entrepreneurship.
Today, more and more professionals are coming forward to use their entrepreneurial skills in building sustainable enterprises for profit and non-profit to effect a change in India.
Capri3 Consultants has also taken a step in this direction to engage and focus its efforts in the areas of Education, Health and Development. It is a Supporter of Indian Development Foundation (IDF), formerly known as the Indian Leprosy Foundation (, an Organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council since 2012.
The Founder of Capri3 Consultants, Shanker Viswanath, is a Honoroary Advisor – Learning & Development at IDF. He is actively involved in promoting the vision and mission of IDF as under:
To work towards creating a better India thus providing basic health, education and empowerment to every citizen.
To be a Knowledge/ Execution Partner of Schools, NGOs, Corporate, and Government agencies for development programs across India
He also actively assists IDF in the following activities undertaken by them:
Mission W2K (Waste to Knowledge)
A Program that helps collect and donate Old Newspapers/ Books For IDF BAL GURUKULS in INDIA;
Cover of Compassion
A Program that helps collect blankets for the poor leprosy patients and those needy persons in leprosy colonies in northern parts of India and needy and elderly people living in hilly regions in India.
IDF - Student Leadership Program (SLP)
A training program that focuses on the development of basic and qualitative skill traits in students which would lead them to be informed and improved individuals. The students would be trained by the corporate employees/ PG students and Trainers who volunteer to lend their valuable time and support to the SLP. Some of the areas where the students undergo training include:
- Personal SWOT analysis, Personality development, Building Confidence & Communication Skills
- Time management and Leadership Skills
- Handling fear/ anxiety, Handling rejection / defeat, Anger management & overcoming stubbornness
- Goal setting, Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude & Emotional development
- Health & Hygiene
- General Knowledge