Why this Workshop?

The ability to communicate effectively is an important skill in today’s professional and personal world. Effective communicators are looked up to and respected for their ability to transfer information in an easily understandable manner and build a conducive environment for exchange of ideas across a wide variety of audience profiles.

This workshop will help participants to recognise the role of Vocal, Verbal and Non verbal components of Communication and develop skills to enhance their communication

Vocal and Verbal communication play a key role in helping an individual to express oneself and in turn understand the points of view of people around oneself. Effective Vocal and Verbal communication also add credibility to the Image that a person is endeavouring to create through visual communication.

A harmonious blend of Vocal and Verbal Communication constitute the completeness of the image projected and helps individuals to manage their impressions in the minds of others.

Objectives of the Workshop

To introduce, review and discuss the following aspects:

  • Communication Pyramid
  • Constituents of Verbal Communication
  • Constituents of Vocal Communication
  • Communication process
  • Role of elements in Communication process
  • Barriers to effective communication
  • Overcoming barriers
  • Communication styles
  • Differences in styles
  • Traits of different styles
  • Strengths of each style
  • Types of listening
  • Active listening
  • Listening mistakes

Benefits of attending the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the constituent elements of the Communication Pyramid
  • Differentiate between Verbal Communication and Vocal Communication
  • Illustrate the Communication Process effectively
  • Assess the barriers to effective communication to effectively overcome them
  • Identify different communication styles and characterise their traits
  • Evaluate the role of listening in effective vocal & verbal Communication