Why this Workshop?

In today’s world, social and professional boundaries are often questioned. The current business and social arenas are not only multicultural, multinational but also multigenerational. In work environments internationally, daily communications and interactions take on new dimensions.

The once relied on foundations of etiquette first must be incorporated and then remoulded for success in today’s high-speed world. This rebalances business and social interactions creating ease and confidence in any arena.

This workshop is designed to help participants in recognising the importance and role of Etiquette and also to apply the learning in their Professional & Personal lives.

Objectives of the Workshop

To introduce, review and discuss the following aspects:

  • Origin and practice of etiquette
  • Cultural influence in etiquette formation
  • General business etiquette
  • Social and Professional Impact
  • Email and general telephone etiquette
  • Mobile Phone etiquette
  • Work Place etiquette
  • Travel & party etiquette

Benefits of attending the Workshop

By the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Examine the role of etiquette and manners in projecting a powerful first impression
  • Interpret the role of etiquette in professional and personal life
  • Practice different types of etiquette that is expected to be followed at workplace
  • Find solutions for effective business, email, telephone and travel etiquette